🛍️Additional materials

These consumables are required in addition to a Parhelia Omni-Stainer™ Automation Bundle for the first runs

The materials below are only required for automated operation. For manual operation, you only need a micropipette + tips, and your samples.

Additional Parhelia labware shown above with the Parhelia Omni-Stainer™ S12 Module Automation Bundle, in the OT-2 robot with Gen2 P300 Single-Channel and Opentrons 300 µl Pipette Tips performing 10X Visium H&E staining @ The Broad Institute.

The Starter Kit contains all the additional consumables needed to stain your samples, besides reagents, slides/coverslips, and pipette tips, in a convenient quantity.

It's crucial to avoid using unvalidated labware as it can potentially result in notable automation errors.

Obtain an Parhelia Biosciences Reagent Reservoir Starter Kit to get up and staining quickly!

Pierceable aluminum foil seals

Peelable plate seals are highly beneficial for preparing and storing reservoirs. Specifically, aluminum foil can be pierced by pipette tips, eliminating the need to peel off the seal, which could otherwise lead to unwanted well contamination or spillage. Additionally, foil seals protect light-sensitive reagents. Pro-tip: If you are going to store sealed plates use a roller tool to really make sure the edges are sealed tightly or else you may get evaporation!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns with your Parhelia products please email info@parheliabio.com

Last updated