Importing labware definitions
Custom labware definitions have been meticulously created for Parhelia Omni-stainer instruments and reservoirs, these files are essential for running Parhelia Bio protocols.
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Custom labware definitions have been meticulously created for Parhelia Omni-stainer instruments and reservoirs, these files are essential for running Parhelia Bio protocols.
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Labware definitions are special files in JSON format that contain the information about the geometry of labwares (number of wells, XY positioning, well depth etc) that the Opentron OT-2 robot needs to correctly access the samples. We created custom labware definitions that describe Parhelia Omni-stainer instruments and reservoirs (deep-well 12-trough, 96-well black plate and 96-well skirted plate) that we use in our OT-2 protocols. Download our GitHub archive from here, unzip, and import the JSON files from the labware folder into the Opentrons OT-2 as detailed in this guide.
Labware definitions are specialized JSON format files that contain essential information about the labware's geometry, such as the number of wells, XY positioning, and well depth. These files are crucial for enabling the Opentron OT-2 robot to accurately access the samples. To facilitate this process, we have meticulously crafted custom labware definitions specifically for Parhelia Omni-stainer instruments and reservoirs. These definitions encompass various labware types, including deep-well 12-trough, 96-well black plate, and 96-well skirted plate, which are extensively employed in our OT-2 protocols. To get started, simply download our GitHub archive from the here, unzip the files, and follow the comprehensive guide to import the JSON files from the labware folder into the Opentrons OT-2 as detailed in this guide.
Click below if you wish to download just the labware definition files:
After downloading, unzip the archive and follow this guide for how to import the custom labware definitions:
Labware definitions are specialized JSON format files containing crucial information about labware geometry. These files are essential for accurate sample handling by the Opentron OT-2 robot. Custom labware definitions have been meticulously created for Parhelia Omni-stainer instruments and reservoirs. Various labware types, including deep-well 12-trough, 96-well black plate, and 96-well skirted plate, are extensively used in OT-2 protocols. To get started, download the GitHub archive, unzip the files, and follow the comprehensive guide to import the JSON files into your Opentrons OT-2 system.